Elenco news scadute

Data pubblicazioneordinamento crescente Sede
30/09/2016 The 24th Kanizsa Lecture and the Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition. November 4-5 ,2016
23/09/2016 NUOVA PUBBLICAZIONE - "The lichens of Italy" di Pier Luigi Nimis - Presentazione libro 29 settembre
23/09/2016 TRIESTE Next - AIRC presenta un dialogo tra scienza, medicina e nuove frontiere della ricerca
20/09/2016 Levon Khachigian - "Growth regulatory transcriptional networks in vascular pathobiology" - 30 settembre
14/09/2016 Fulvia Vascotto - "Systemic mRNA vaccine and tumor environment study for the design of cancer immunotherapies" - 19 settembre
13/09/2016 Antonio Terlizzi - "Large-scale human impacts and the limited effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas" - 19 settembre
13/09/2016 Stefano Piraino - "Jellyfish outbreaks in European seas: mechanisms, patterns, impacts, monitoring tools, and countermeasures" - 21 settembre
07/09/2016 Seminario - prof. Stefano Mariani, A DNA ‘HOURGLASS’ FOR MARINE BIODIVERSITY ASSESSMENT: FROM OCEAN TO PLATE, THEN BACK TO THE SEA. 9 settembre 2016.
06/09/2016 Meeting of the TREBOUXIA-Working group. Trieste, Italy. 26-28 september 2016
06/09/2016 Caffè delle Scienze. L'8 settembre riprendono gli appuntamenti del secondo semestre 2016.
11/08/2016 JUST PUBLISHED - In vitro sensitivity to methyl-prednisolone is associated with clinical response in pediatric idiopathic nephrotic syndrome
12/07/2016 XXIX Convegno della Società Lichenologica Italiana Trieste, 28-30 settembre 2016
30/03/2016 The Lungfish Transcriptome: A Glimpse into Molecular Evolution Events at the Transition from Water to Land
03/02/2016 Workshop & Training School organized within the framework of Cost Action Phycomorph
27/01/2016 JUST PUBLISHED - Pharmacological treatment with mirtazapine rescues cortical atrophy and respiratory deficits in MeCP2 null mice
26/01/2016 Scoperta la prima alga rossa calcarea non marina
11/12/2015 INTERNATIONAL COURSES at the Department of Life Sciences

