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Progetto CSMON Life (2014 - 2017)
Grandi Progetti Internazionali coordinati dal DSV (LEAD PARTNER)
Un approccio di Citizen Science al monitoraggio della biodiversità per la soluzione delle problematiche ambientali.
CSMON-LIFE (Citizen Science MONitoring) is one of the first Italian projects which focuses on using a citizen science approach on biodiversity. I was funded by the European Commission under the LIFE+ programme. The project want to stimulate the participation of the citizens, involving them in the study, management and conservation of biodiversity, hence creating an active collaboration between citizens, scientific community and institutions. The project targets individuals, schools and several categories (hikers, fishermen, farmers, boaters, divers, etc.).
Ultimo aggiornamento: 25-08-2020 - 13:52