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Project: MITFISH-N2K (2021 - 2022)
Large International Projects coordinates by DSV (LEAD PARTNER)
MITFISH-N2K: MITigation and monitoring of the interaction between artisanal fishing and FIsh fauna, protected Species of aquatic avifauna and benthic Habitats in Natura 2000 sites is a research project funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF 2014-2020, Measure 1.40 - Protection and restoration of marine biodiversity and ecosystems and compensation regimes in the framework of sustainable fishing activities) - Friuli Venezia Giulia.
The project budget is approximately 300,000 euros. The project activities will span over 18 months and will involve several senior researchers along with 5 fellowships for young researchers.
The project is coordinated by Dr. Stanislao Bevilacqua, Department of Life Sciences, in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics and Geosciences.
The aim of the project is to determine the state of the seabed in areas of particular importance for fisheries, the associated fish resources and aquatic avifauna in the main Natura 2000 sites of the Gulf of Trieste, including the Sites of Community Importance (SCI) in the Marine Protected Area of Miramare and "Trezze San Pietro and Bardelli". The project will evaluate the potential interference of artisanal fisheries with the components of the marine ecosystem through the study of by-catch of protected species and the presence of ghost fishing nets. The study will also investigate the presence of other anthropogenic interferences such as the presence of marine litter on the seabed, and of chemical and microplastic pollutants. The project activities will be integrated by a direct action of environmental rehabilitation in the surveyed sites, aimed at the removal of marine litter and ghost nets, combined with dissemination initiatives to the general public and stakeholders on the issues of by-catch and marine litter.
For information contact the Project Coordinator: sbevilacqua@units.it
Last update: 05-30-2023 - 08:42