Science for Citizens


DSV periodically organizes public cycles of encounters, discussions, and conferences on broad subject of Life Sciences.


Science Cafè

The Science Cafè are conversations between researchers and the public about the different scientific issues which are held in premises open to all in Trieste and, from 2017, in Gorizia. Anyone can participate, both as a speaker and as a listener.

The speakers do not receive any compensation: their purpose is only to discuss and promote the research on which they work. No special skills are required to the audience, but only a certain amount of curiosity.

Questions, opinions and suggestions from the public on the topics to be addressed are especially welcome.

The Science Cafè  are sponsored by the University of Trieste and the Department of Life Sciences.

All meetings are monthly and are held:

at Trieste on Thursdays, 17:30,  Caffè Tommaseo,  Riva Tre Novembre 5
at Gorizia on Friday, 18:00, Caffè Mama e Angela, Piazza della Vittoria 52



prof. Massimo Avian

prof. Paolo Battaglini

dott.ssa Elisabetta Pizzul



PDF iconLocandina appuntamenti Settembre - Dicembre 2019
PDF iconLocandina appuntamenti Febbraio - Maggio 2019


Last update: 07-03-2024 - 13:25