Project: AdriaAquaNet (2014 - 2020)

Large International Projects with DSV as PARTNER


AdriAquaNet - Enhancing Innovation and Sustainability in Adriatic Aquaculture

The AdriAquaNet project, Enhancing Innovation and Sustainability in Adriatic Aquaculture, funded by the EU Interreg V Italy-Croatia Program 2014-2020, is led by a group of researchers from the University of Udine and links seven other research institutions, including the University of Trieste, four companies and a Cluster, operating both in Italy and in Croatia. This community, which has about 100 experts, will work for two and a half years in the first ever technical-scientific cooperation initiative, with the aim of transferring advanced knowledge and new technologies to the aquaculture supply chain, from the management of the plants to production up to the market of processed products.

The University of Trieste, represented by prof. Sabina Passamonti and Alberto Pallavicini of the Department of Life Sciences, participates in all organizational levels of the project, from the direction of a work plan that includes as many as 20 lines of activity to the external communication of the results of the project. Furthermore, researchers from our University will carry out biochemical and genetic research to measure the health of farmed fish, exploiting some specific biological similarities between these marine vertebrates and humans. Their results will contribute to the characterization of the food quality of the farmed fish and support the principle that farmed fish is important for our health.


Contacts: Dr. Sabina Passamonti




Priority: Blue Innovation
Duration: 01.01.2019-30.06.2021
Coordination: University of Udine, Italy
Grant: € 2.740.408 from the European Regional Development Fund and € 483.601 from national co-funding nazionale





Last update: 09-03-2020 - 12:13