Bryophytes and Pteridophytes Herbaria


Bryophytes Herbarium

The briological herbarium has about 1,000 specimens of liverworts and mosses; most of it comes from the Friuli Venezia Giulia region and was collected by Michele Codogno, Giuliano Sauli, Sandro Pignatti e Miris Castello. The following collections are worthy of note: arctic bryophytes (Pier Luigi Nimis), bryophytes from the Giulia region (Duilio Lausi), bryophytes from the Trieste Karst (Srečko Grom) and some exsiccata from the Plantae Graecenses collection (Graz, Austria) and duplicates of the Herbarium of Lubljana University (LJU).


Pteridophytes Herbarium


The pteridological herbarium consists of about 2,500 samples coming mainly from Italy, in particular from the South-Eastern Alps and the Karst area. Most of the specimens, belonging to the genera Asplenium L., Ceterach DC., Dryopteris Adans., Polypodium L. and Polystichum Roth were reviewed and determined by the specialist Dino Marchetti (Massa).

Numerous data from the TSB herbarium were used for the preparation of the book "The pteridophytes of Italy" (Marchetti, 2004) and of the "Chorological Atlas of Pteridophytes in North-Eastern Italy" (Bona et al., 2005).




Last update: 10-18-2019 - 09:43