Biodiversity, conservation and management of marine coastal systems (Prof. Terlizzi)


Antonio Terlizzi

Full professor in Zoology (BIO/05)
Phone: (+ 39) 040 558 8829
Building M, st. B / 16
via Giorgieri 10, 34127 Trieste, Italy



Antonio Terlizzi, born in Naples on 31/03/1968. Graduated with honors in Biological Sciences with an experimental thesis in Marine Biology at the University of Naples 'Federico II'. PhD in Fundamental Ecology. Full Professor (SSD BIO / 05). Head of the Laboratory of Zoology and Biology Department of Life Sciences (DSV) of the University of Trieste. Associate researcher at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Naples. He previously carried out his research activity at the Institute for Marine Corrosion of Metals of the CNR in Genoa (as a fellow) and the University of Salento in Lecce (as a postdoc, researcher since 2001 and Associate Professor since 2010).

His research activity focuses on benthic systems of hard substrate (natural and artificial) and on marine phanerogams. In particular, it deals with the space-time distribution methods of benthic populations associated with these systems also in relation to anthropic impacts, mitigation interventions, establishment of Marine Protected Areas. He is delegated by the Director of the DSV for Environmental Research and Deputy Coordinator of the Research Doctorate in "Environment and Life" of the University of Trieste. Divemaster, FIPSAS Agonist, FIPSAS Apnea Fishing Instructor, in possession of the European certification of Advanced European Scientific Diver (AESD), has to his credit over 500 scuba dives for sampling for scientific purposes and has participated in numerous sampling campaigns in the Mediterranean, Chile, New Zealand, Singapore, California.

He has participated and / or coordinated numerous research programs in collaboration with national and foreign research institutions and institutes. He collaborates, as reviewer, with 30 international journals with impact factor and is Associate Editor of the European Zoological Journal (formerly Italian Journal of Zoology).

He regularly carries out the review of projects of national (eg PRIN, FIRB) and international (eg CNRS, France; FCT, Portugal; UEFISCDI, Romania; A * STAR, Singapore) projects. He was an elected member of the Didactic Commission and the Fauna Commission of the UZI, Italian Zoologists Union and of the Benthos Committee in the SIBM (Italian Society of Marine Biology).

He is a member of the Board of the SIBM (Italian Society of Marine Biology) and of the AIOSS (Italian Association of Scientific Underwater Operators). He is the Italian Representative, on behalf of CoNISMa, of the EMBRC (European Marine Biological Resource Center ( and, since 2005, is a member of the Scientific Commission of the Italian Federation of Sport Fishing and Underwater Activities (FIPSAS) as a marine biologist. In 2015 and in 2019 he was selected by ANVUR as a member of the Evaluation Expert Group (GEV 5 - Biology) for the VQR 2011-2014 and for the VQR 2015-2019.


Last update: 10-04-2024 - 23:30