Ubiquitination in genetic diseases (Prof. Meroni)

Principal investigator (PI):

Germana Meroni

Tel: +39 040 558 8679
email: gmeroni@units.it



Germana Meroni is Associate Professor of Genetics at the University of Trieste since February 2015.

Germana Meroni graduated in Biological Sciences at the University of Milan. She had her research training at the University of Milan and at DiBIT-San Raffaele Hospital in Milan before moving as post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Human Genetics at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX (USA). From 1995 to 2000 she was Staff Researcher at the Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM) in Milan and in 2000 she established her independent group at TIGEM in Naples where she worked until June 2009. She has been group leader at the Cluster in Biomedicine (CBM) in AREA Science Park in Trieste from July 2009 to January 2015.

Germana Meroni’s research interests focus on the study of the Tripartite Motif (TRIM) family of E3 ubiquitin ligases in health and in genetic diseases. Her main contribution in the field include: the initial definition and characterization of this family (Reymond A*, Meroni G*, EMBO J 2001); the identification of MID1/TRIM18, responsible for Opitz Syndrome, as an actor in cytoskeletal regulation (Cainarca, Hum Mol Gen 1999; Berti, BMC Cell Biol 2004) and in cerebellar development (Lancioni, J Neuroscience 2010); the characterization of TRIM E3 ligases interaction with selected ubiquitin conjugating enzymes within their E3 ligases function (Napolitano, Biochemical J. 2011; Napolitano, IUBMB Life 2012; Lazzari, Cells 2019); being one of the international reference laboratories for Opitz Syndrome collecting and screening over 300 patients’ sample for molecular diagnosis (Fontanella, Hum Mutation 2008; Migliore, EJMG 2013).



Last update: 10-04-2024 - 23:30