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Project: Trans2Care (2011 - 2014)
Large International Projects coordinates by DSV
Transregional Network for Innovation and Technology Transfer to Improve Health Care
Rete transregionale per l'innovazione ed il trasferimento tecnologico per il miglioramento della sanità
Tansregionalno omrežje za inovacijo in prenos tehnološkega znanja za izboljšanje zdravstva
Trans2Care was a project aimed at creating a trans-regional network for innovation and technology transfer in the health system, active between 2011 and 2014, as part of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013 . Coordinated by the Department of Life Sciences, Trans2Care involved 13 Partners, equally distributed in Italy (north-east) and Slovenia.
To promote innovation in the healthcare systems, Trans2Care brought together experts in medicine, technology and business, and hired 14 post-doc researchers to translate research results into innovative applications for the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. These researchers have been actively involved in a complementary technology and entrepreneurial training program, which has opened up job opportunities in the R & D sector for at least 2 years after the end of the project.
The Trans2Care project is considered by the European Commission a good practice to reduce brain drain.
Reference person: Dr. Sabina Passamonti
Last update: 08-25-2020 - 13:53