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Project: MEMORY-net (2017-2019)
Large International Projects coordinates by DSV
MEMORI-net - Mental and Motor Rehabilitation Network of stroke is a cross-border Italy-Slovenia project, that aims to delineate new common clinical standardised protocols for the rehabilitation of stroke patients with a new Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Care Strategy. In particular, the project will implement the criteria for the evaluation of the deficit in stroke patients and will design new integrated cognitive and motor rehabilitation strategies. An ICT platform will facilitate the cooperation between institutions, stakeholders, and families, also with dedicated training initiatives.
With more than 1 million new cases/year incidence, stroke represents one of the most urgent causes of cognitive and motor disability in European countries. Stroke might occur in young productive adults, and therefore it has a profound impact on the health system, families, and the whole local economy. Even if the stroke is an acute vascular lesion in the brain, it can provoke disability in the entire body, thus requiring multidisciplinary rehabilitation practices, that are not always accessible in the territory. Rehabilitation of patients after stroke involves, therefore, different institutions and requires a strong coordination between stroke centres and rehabilitation units. The management of stroke patients in a cross-border region, furthermore, needs also technologies and instruments to facilitate communication and integration of linguistic minorities, with strategies to overcome legal limitations related to the transfer of personal medical information across the border.
MEMORI-net is a joined effort to ameliorate the management of post-stroke rehabilitation, in order to define common diagnostic and therapeutic protocols based on the most advanced scientific knowledge and the best international practices. With more than 4000 new stroke cases per year in the cross-border Programme Area, stroke is one of the most urgent causes of intellectual and motor disability.
MEMORI-net integrates excellence in the territory related to stroke management and e-health, with the coordination of specialized clinical Stroke Units, University centres leader in diagnostic biomarkers and IC technologies, rehabilitation centres, Terme and locally active stroke patient's associations.
With a strong education and training programme targeted to medical doctors, caregivers and families, MEMORI-net, therefore, favours the exchange of knowledge and the amelioration of rehabilitation practices offered to the patients of Italy and Slovenia.
Last update: 08-25-2020 - 13:51