Flow cytometry & Biacore

Flow cytometry services, established in the Department of Life Sciences, make expertise and tools available to users inside and outside the University.
Access to the services is subject to regulation (see bottom of page). It provides for a fee, to be paid by the head of the requesting research group, to support the operating/maintenance costs of the instruments, as indicated in the fee schedule described in the regulations and summarized in the cost table (see bottom of page).


  Flow cytometry (FCS-DSV)

Flow cytometry is a technique that allows qualitative and quantitative analysis of single cells. It is a rapid and sensitive technique that can provide information on both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.

It enables applications in biomedical and environmental fields, such as:

  • Immunophenotypic characterization
  • ploidy and cell cycle analysis
  • analysis of markers (membrane or cytosolic)
  • induction of apoptosis-necrosis
  • analysis of cellular functions (phagocytosis, endocytosis, ROS)
  • binding/uptake of drugs
  • studies of the mechanism of action of membranolytic substances toward gram+ and gram- bacteria


  Available instruments

The Department of Life Sciences has the following instrumentation:


1- Attune NXT Flow Cytometer.

Attune NxT® Flow Cytometer from Thermofisher® is a compact analysis system with innovative hydrodynamic focusing technology. It makes multi-parameter flow cytometry available to all researchers, ensuring consistent and reproducible data even on difficult samples or underrepresented populations.

The system is equipped with a 488nm blue laser allowing detection of up to 6 parameters.

See the following links for more details.


See the brochure 


2- BD FACSMelody™ Cell Sorter

BD FACSMelody makes the complex world of flow cytometry and sorting accessible to more researchers. Offers advanced automation technology with BD FACSChorus ™ software and guides the user through the entire cell sorting process with its intuitive interface, on-screen instructions and prompts, and easy-to-read reports

Combines sorter's proven and unique BD technology with automation and simplified software

Helps achieve scientific insights, laboratory efficiency and cost savings

The system is equipped with 3 lasers;

- violet (405 nm), blue (488nm) and red (640) allowing detection of up to 9 colors.

More details can be found at the following link


 Contacts to access the service

Servige manager:

Prof. Daniele Sblattero


For collaboration and consulting:

prof. Sabrina Pacor


Direct access to the instrumentation (flow cytometers) is restricted to personnel of the Department of Life Sciences with proven training and experience in the field of flow cytometry.

The service manager, and staff authorized by him, will assist users in experimental planning/design, development of acquisition protocols, sample acquisition, and data processing.

A special web link will be prepared for booking.

Last update: 03-16-2023 - 12:38