Freshwater ecology (Dr. Pizzul)

Elisabetta Pizzul

Researcher in Ecology (BIO/07)
Tel: 040 558 8830
M building, Via Giorgieri 10, room B/26



Dr. Elisabetta Pizzul is researcher of Ecology (Bio/07) at the Life Science Department of the Trieste University. Born in Gorizia on July 13, 1964, she graduated at the Trieste University in 1990. She began the service as researcher by the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences in July 1995 and she was confirmed in her role in October 1998.

She was the chief in many projects regarding ecological analyses in lotic environments in the Friuli Venezia Giulia. Her studies have focused the distribution of fish species, the composition of fish communities, and the safeguard of species listed in European Directives (such as Salmo marmoratus and Thymallus aeliani); she led studies regarding morphological analysis of lotic ecosystems and their fish communities in the context of hydrological and environmental monitoring plans in relation to the problem of water diversion for hydropower purposes and she led  studies about the application of biotic indices in lotic environments, in agreement with the European Directive 2000/60/EC. In this context, in 2009 she began a collaboration with ARPA Friuli Venezia Giulia, in order to apply the Index of the Ecological Status of Fish Communities (ISECI) in sites included in the Regional Water Protection Plan (PRTA).

In the last years, the scientific activities have focused on characterization of allochthonous species in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Silurus glanis), taxonomy of pike populations (genus Esox), reproductive biology Salmo marmoratus, definition of distribution areas for Barbus balcanicus and Gobio benacensis in the Isonzo River basin, ecology and distribution of transitional water species (Aphanius fasciatusKnipowitschia panizzae, Pomatoschistus marmoratus and Pomatoschistus canestrinii). Freshwater macrobenthic invertebrates have been studied as bioindicators and in relation to the organic matter decomposition within temporary wetland (Isola della Cona), riverine systems (Isonzo River Mouth) and karstic lentic environments (Doberdò Lake). Moreover, energy density of freshwater macrobenthic invertebrates have been studied in lotic and lentic systems.

A collaboration with the Experimental Zooprofilactic Institute of Piedmont, Liguria and Valle d'Aosta has begun in 2017 for ecological analyses in lentic alpine and subalpine environments. Between 2018 and 2020 she collaborated with the Regional Authority of Friuli Venezia Giulia in order to produce a map of the expected fish communities on regional scale. Finally, Dr Elisabetta Pizzul is the coordinator of the brown trout eradication plan in the Val Rosandra-Dolina Glinščice Natural Reserve.

She was the president of the Italian Freshwater Ichthyologists Association between 2014 and 2018. Nowadays she is a member of the Directive Committee of the Association.


Last update: 10-17-2024 - 23:30