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Host defence peptides - mode of action and biomedical applications (Prof. Scocchi)
Research Strand:
Prof. Marco Scocchi
Telefono: +39 040 5588704
Email: mscocchi@units.it
Skype: marco_sko
Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita, Via Giorgieri n. 5, Trieste
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1247-3641
Scopus Author ID: 6603446592
Education and Training
1989 Graduated in Biology (110/110) Univ. of Trieste,
1990-1996 Research fellow at CIB National Laboratory, Padriciano (Italy)
2000 Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry, Univ. of Udine
Employment and Research Experience
2002 to 2015 Research Scientist (BIO/10) Dept. of Life Sciences, Univ. of Trieste
From 2015 Associate Prof. in Biochemistry (BIO/10), Dep. of Life Sciences. University of Trieste
Ongoing and completed research support:
- FRA2016 Grant for the research from University of Trieste 2016-2018. P.I.
- Project Made in Trieste Area Science Park 2018-2019. P.I.
- Project e-health patient (art.12 FVG00008) MIUR 30.09.2016 – 3.2019. Participant.
- Project FFC#14/2014-15 granted by Fondazione per la ricerca sulla Fibrosi Cistica. Role: P.I.
- FRA2014 Grant for the research from University of Trieste (2014- 2015). Role: P.I.
Other experience
Lecturer for the following courses:
- Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Diagnostics with lab (2002-07)
- Biological Chemistry (2003-11)
- Marine Biochemistry (2004-10)
- Cell Biochemistry (from 2009)
- Laboratory of Biochemistry (from 2012) at Department of Life Sciences (ex Faculty of Science)
- Biochemistry (from 2016)
Coordinator (from 2016) of the bachelor’s degree in Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche
Scientific interests
The research programme coordinated by Marco Scocchi is focused on the biological role and on the biotechnological potential of natural bioactive peptides with antimicrobial properties. The “host defense peptides” (HDPs) or antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are part of the innate immune system of eukaryotes and participate in the eradication/prevention of infections by killing pathogens and/or stimulating the immune system. The objectives of the research’s team are:
- to investigate the molecular mechanism of AMPs activity and to improve their efficacy
- to develop novel drugs AMPs derived by antimicrobial peptides
Marco Scocchi is Co-author of 80 publications (WOS) in international peer-reviewed journals and books (H-index: 35 Google Scholar, 31 Scopus).
A list of the peer-reviewed publications is available at:
Last update: 03-05-2025 - 23:30