Pharmacology and toxicology of natural substances (Prof. Tubaro)


Prof. Aurelia Tubaro


Tel: +39 040 558 8835
Fax: 040 558 3165



A. Tubaro is Full Professor in Pharmacology, University of Trieste

1980: graduated in Pharmacy (University of Trieste), summa cum laude

1983: researcher (Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Trieste)

1985: specialized in Toxicology (University of Milan)

1987: visiting professor at the Pharmaceutical Biology Institute, University of Munich (Germany)

1995: member of the UNESCO International Directory of Experts in Toxic and Harmful Algae and US National Marine Fisheries Service

1995: organizer of the IOC-UNEP-WHO-FAO-Italy Course on Toxin Chemistry and Toxicology Related to Harmful Algae (Trieste)

1997: visiting professor at the Tohoku University (Japan)

1998: associated professor of Pharmacognosy (Faculty of Pharmacy, Trieste)

2004: voting member of the International AOAC Presidential Task Force on Marine and Freshwater Toxins; chair of the Working Group on Yessotoxins

2005: Topic Advisor of Yessotoxins for AOAC

2005: full professor (Faculty of Pharmacy, Trieste)

2006: chair of the Working Group Palytoxin & Ostreocins of AOAC Presidential Task Force

2007: organizer, with the Italian Society of Toxicology (SITOX), of the International Symposium on Algal Toxins (Trieste)

2007: invited as expert toxicologist in the Working Group on Palytoxin of the EC Reference Laboratory for Marine Biotoxins

2009: member of the National Register of Italian Certified Toxicologists

2009: EFSA's expert database member

2010: invited at the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing-Europe for Marine Toxins workshop (Ermatingen, Switzerland)

2010: editorial Board member of Toxicon (Elsevier), Journal of Toxicology and The Scientific World Journal (Hindawi)

2012: invited as expert toxicologist at the Seminar on Emerging Toxins (EU Reference Laboratory for Marine Biotoxins; Vigo, Spain)

2012: member of the Italian Ministry of Health Working Group to update the guidelines for the management Ostreopsis cf. ovata blooms along the Italian coasts

2012: Board member of the International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae

2016: co-editor of the volume “Marine and Freshwater Toxins” for Springer

2018: organizer and chair of the 1st Meeting on Natural Toxins, in collaboration with SITOX (Padova)

2019: member of the scientific committee of the 2nd Meeting on Natural Toxins, organized in collaboration with SITOX (Parma).

Her research activity is focused on the pharmacological and toxicological studies of natural substances, with the individuation of active or toxic principles and elucidation of the relevant mechanisms of action. Since 1989, she is active in the algal toxins field mainly focusing on in vivo/in vitro toxicological studies on algal toxins, and set up of methods for their detection. She is involved also in the toxicological investigation of graphene and graphene based nanomaterials after cutaneous exposure. The research activity is documented by more than 180 publications in international scientific journals (h-index = 33, source: Scopus).



Last update: 10-11-2024 - 23:30