Perception, Cognition and Movement (Prof. Agostini)


Tiziano Agostini

Full professor in General psychology (M-PSI/01)

W Building (San Giovanni Park), room 112

Tel: (+39) 040 5588875



Full Professor at the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Trieste, he teaches History of Psychology, Introduction to Sport Psychology and Applied Sport and Wellbeing Psychology. For two years he carried out research in the United States where he also taught.

He is interested in visual perception, psychological research methodology, history of psychology, experimental sports psychology, cognitive ergonomics and emergency psychology; he has developed research on colour, in which he is co-author of a theory.

He coordinates national and international grants. He is coordinator of the Degree Course in Psychological Sciences and Techniques and president of the Evaluation Board of the Institute of Design in Matera. He was a committee member for the National Scientific Qualification and GEV for Area 11b, Area 11 representative in the Academic Senate, coordinator of the PhD Course in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science, CUSI representative in the Sports Committee and president of CUS Trieste.

In addition, he was director of the Department of Psychology 'Gaetano Kanizsa', deputy director of the Department of Life Sciences and scientific director of the MiST (Mind in Sport Team) Interateneo Centre. He has more than 130 publications consisting of scientific articles in national and international refereed journals, books and book chapters. In 2024, he was awarded the Wolfgang Metzger Price for the book 'Showing Time: Continuous Pictorial Narrative And The Adam And Eve Story', which he co-authored.


Last update: 10-04-2024 - 23:30