Doctoral Programmes


  PhD program in Molecular Biomedicine

The PhD program in Molecular Biomedicine is focused on the study of molecular approaches to cancer biology, genetics, and metabolic diseases. The program integrates basic research and clinics, involving relatively newer disciplines such as bioinformatics, proteomics and nanotechnology. Students will be trained for a career in biomedical research either in academic or biotechnological institutions.

The course requires three years of full time laboratory work, and terminates with the submission of a written Thesis. During this time students will receive a strong laboratory training, working in close interaction with experienced scientists. At the same time, students will attend to lecture courses and seminars. In addition, students will periodically present their data in public seminars, and participate to journal clubs coordinated by members of the teaching board.


  PhD Program in Neural and Cognitive Sciences

The PhD program in Neural and Cognitive Sciences provides advanced research training on topics such as molecular and cellular neurosciences, neuropsychology, experimental psychology of cognitive processes, social psychology, with special emphasis on the interdisciplinary investigation of the mind/brain system and on applications in clinical, ergonomic and sport contexts. Students develop competencies and abilities relevant for becoming independent and creative researchers in atleast one of the following areas: neurobiology and neurogenesis; cellular neurophysiology; clinical neuroscience; psycholinguistics; perception, action and attention; memory and executive control; thinking, judgment and decision making; sport psychology; typical and atypical development; personality and social psychology.


  Joint PhD Program in Environmental Life Science

The PhD Program in Environmental Life Science course is jointly offered by the Universities of Trieste and Udine. It covers a wide range of scientific issues related to environmental life researches ongoing at the two universities, whose main focuses are:
 Ecology and ecophysiology of marine, fresh water, terrestrial and agricultural ecosystems;
 Global change biology and management of natural and agricultural ecosystems;
 Biodiversity informatics, genetics and conservation;
 Ecotoxicology and bioremediation.

The possible field works for the PhD students span over a large array of ecosysems from the deep sea in Antarctica to high mountains passing through plains and rivers. PhD students will find a dynamic and multidisciplinary environment that will promote both basic (e.g. marine protistan metagenomics, plant/environment interactions) and applied research (e.g. green technologies, ecological engineering and environmental biomonitoring).


Description Length Status Class ID Class Campus
3 Anni
anni successivi al primo Trieste
3 Anni
anni successivi al primo Trieste
3 Anni
anni successivi al primo Trieste
3 Anni
anni successivi al primo Trieste