Dynamics of Creativity (Dr. Agnoli)


Sergio Agnoli

RTDb researcher in General psychology (M-PSI/01)

Q Building (San Giovanni Park)
Email:  sergio.agnoli@units.it



Sergio Agnoli is an assistant professor (Tenured/RTD-b) at the Life Sciences Department of the University of Trieste. He graduated at the University of Padova and earned his Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of Ferrara. From 2012 to 2021 he joined the Marconi Institute for Creativity (MIC; Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi) as a researcher; he currently holds the charge of Senior Scientist at the MIC institute.

His research interests are centered on: cognitive, emotional, and neurophysiological substrates of creative thinking and creative achievement; theoretical definition of the creative thinking process; emotional development and emotional intelligence. His research has received national and international media coverage (e.g., La Repubblica, Airone, PsyPost, The Guardian, Pacific Standard). He participated in several national and international grants, e.g., FP7 European project CReativity Enhancement through Advanced brain Mapping and stimulation.

He was awarded the Gabriele Di Stefano award (Italian Association of Psychology), and his research was featured with the cover of the journal NeuroImage (Elsevier, Vol. 207). He is one of the originators and organizers of the MIC Conference, the international conference devoted to the science of creative thinking, acting as Conference Co-Chair. Sergio Agnoli is Invited Full Member of the International Society for the Study of Creativity and Innovation (ISSCI), member of the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi, as well as he was elected member of the Organizing Committee of the Society for the Neuroscience of Creativity (SfNC).

He serves as Associate Editor for Possibility Studies & Society (SAGE Publishing) and as Academic editor of PLoS ONE (for the “Creativity” topic). He is member of the Editorial Board of the Creativity Research Journal, Journal of Creative Behavior, Journal of Creativity, and PLoS ONE.

At the University of Trieste, he acts as Aggregate Coordinator of the Doctoral program in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science, and as member of the Teaching Council of the Master Program in Psychology.



Last update: 10-02-2024 - 23:30