Inter-group relation and social cognition (Prof. Carnaghi)

Andrea Carnaghi

Full professor in Social psychology (M-PSI/05)

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Andrea Carnaghi is a full Professor in Social Psychology at the University of Trieste.

He graduated with a degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Padova in 2000. He received his Ph.D. in Psychological Science from the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium in 2004. From 2004 until 2006, Andrea Carnaghi held a Post-doc position at the University of Padova in the Department of Development and Socialization. In 2006 he was appointed as an Assistant Professor at the University of Trieste, and in 2014 he was promoted to Associate Professor. He has also been invited as a visiting professor at the University Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium in 2011, and he has been awarded of the IAS fellowship at University of Surrey, UK 2018.

His research interests are centered in the social-cognition tradition and in the study of inter-group relations. His contributions to the field include published work on:

  • the interplay between language and social perception (published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in 2008; British Journal of Social Psychology 2015, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 2011, European Journal of Social Psychology, 2017, Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 2008, 2016 )
  • the analyses of the social, motivational and cognitive processes involved in stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination (Personality and Social Psychology in 2010 & 2011; Personality and Individual Differences 2018, Men & Masculinity 2018; Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 2016; PLOSoNE, 2018 )
  • the study of the hormonal and brain-related processes in social cognition (published in CORTEX in 2016, CORTEX 2018; Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2013; Personality and Individual Differences, 2014; British Journal of Social Psychology, 2017)

His research projects have been funded by international (e.g., APF, Wayne F. Placek Small Grant, 2007; IAS 2018) and national (e.g., PRIN 2008; PRIN 2012) funding agencies.

He is author of several articles published in international peer-review journals (e.g. Journal of Personality and Social PsychologyPersonality and Social Psychology Bulletin), in national peer-review journals (e.g. Giornale Italiano di PsicologiaSistemi Intelligenti), and of theoretical reviews published in English and Italian language books. He is also author of a monograph on language and inter-group relations.

In 2004, he won The Best Ph.D. Thesis Award, sponsored by the Associazione Italia di Psicologia (AIP). In 2008, he was awarded the Gordon Allport Prize, sponsored by Harvard and SPSSI, for the best paper on inter-group relations.

He has been a Consulting Editor of the European Journal of Social Psychology (2008-2012) and he is a consulting editor for the International Review of Social Psychology and the Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology. He is currently Associate Editor of the European Journal of Social Psychology. He is an ad hoc-reviewer for many high impact factor journals of the field (e.g., Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Social Cognition).


Last update: 10-17-2024 - 23:30