Perception, Action, Attention and Communication (Prof. Fantoni)

Carlo Fantoni

Associate professor in General psychology (M-PSI/01)

Tel: +390405588871
Fax: +390405582134


I am associate professor in General Psychology at the DSV of Units, where since 2012 I have established a new Active Perception Laboratory. More recently I have established the Virtual Reality Lab and the Eye Movement Lab, the first supported by a Por-Fesr 2014-2020 project and the second by Fondazione Beneficientia Stiftung, Vaduz. Currently I am: (1) co-organizer of the Kanizsa Lecture & Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition; (2) Member of the executive committee of the PhD School of Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems (Units); (3) Member of the Joint Commettee of the DSV.

Born in Pisa on July 18, 1975, I took my in Perception at Units on March 12, 2000, and my PhD in 2003. Among my research experiences, I have been (1) postdoc at Uniss, (2) postdoc fellow at the Units, (3) visiting researcher at Brown University, (4) senior postdoc, and (5) Team Leader at the CNCS@unitn, establishing, with prof. Fulvio Domini, the Hig-Res augmented reality system of the CNCS@unitn's Active Vision Laboratory. I have been honoured with three fellowships: (1) 2001 young researcher fellowship of the University of Trieste; (2) ARVO 2002 Travel Grant; (3) 2004 Fulbright Research Scholar Fellowship (UCLA).

The core of my research regards the examination of how sensory cues, active movements of the body, internal states (i.e., emotions) as well as social factors (i.e., presence of others) are integrated to support the perception of 3D objects and action control. Particularly, with both an approach centered on computational modeling and human psychophysics my work has contributed to elucidate some complex mechanisms of the perception-action cycle. Among my main contribution to the field:

(1) The development and testing of a new generative model of visual interpolation together with Walter Gerbino (JOV 2003, VisRes 2005, 2006, 2008; Perception2019) and the generalization of geometric principles of spatial unification to the case of 3D surface completion (JOV 2008, VisRes 2008), and multisensory perception (ActaPsyc2018);

(2) The discovery of new form of similarity between illusory and physical surfaces based on the SNARC like effect (PsychRes2020)   

 (3) The discovery of new phenomena and the development of new cue integration models for visually guided reaching (Acta 2011), 3D active vision (JOV 2011, PlosOne 2012, PlosOne 2013), and structure-from-disparity (VisRes 2008);

(4) The discovery of new forms of brain plasticity induced by visuo-motor recalibration (JN 2013), and the development of a new mood induction procedure based on motor actions affecting the perception of emotions (PlosOne 2014, PeerJ 2016, BBS 2016);

(5) The evaluation of how new “intelligent” multisensory systems or displays based on immersive virtual shared environments might support the processes of information selection and decisions making that are fundamentals in the design review (ACM 2018, SIDRAN project, Peerj2018);

(6) The discovery of new form of attentional capture by the simultaneous presentation of emotional stimuli (Cognition2019, PsychRes2020);

I have co-authored more than 30 articles on leading peer-reviewed journals, participated to more than 60 conferences and I have been a referee for several journals.


Last update: 10-04-2024 - 23:30