Plant physiological ecology (Prof. Nardini)

Andrea Nardini

Full professor in Plant Physiology (BIO/14)
Tel: +39-040-5583890
M building, Via Giorgieri 10



Andrea Nardini is Full Professor in Plant Physiology at the University of Trieste.

He graduated in Natural Sciences at the University of Trieste, and obtained a PhD in Geobotany at the University of Pavia.

His research interests focus on the mechanisms of water transport in plants, ranging from basic understanding of physiological processes up to ecological consequences for plant and ecosystem performance under current climate change-type drought. His work has contributed to elucidate the importance of the efficiency and safety of water transport at the leaf level for plant productivity and distribution, as well as the mechanisms underlying embolism formation and repair in xylem conduits of plants under drought stress. Some of his main contributions to the field include the elucidation of mechanisms leading to xylem embolism repair, the characterization of leaf traits conferring efficiency and safety of water transport, the role of cations dissolved in xylem sap in the regulation of xylem hydraulic efficiency, and the role of xylem embolism in forest mortality under global change type droughts.

Prof. Nardini has authored or co-authored more than 150 papers in international scientific journals (see Google Scholar Profile).

Prof. Nardini has been awarded with the Baccarini-Melandri prize by the Italian Society of Plant Biology, and is a member of the Editorial Board of the journals Trees Structure and Function and Plants. He is also a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal New Phytologist. He acts as reviewer for top international scientific journals.



Last update: 10-18-2024 - 23:30