"A novel approach based on low field nuclear magnetic resonance for the detection of the pathological components of sputum in cystic fibrosis patients". Results presentation.

By G. Grassi (DSV) and M. Grassi (DIA)
Event typology: 
Event taking place on
Event starting on: 
09/27/2017 - 15:00
Event until: 
09/27/2017 - 17:00
Event publish date
Published on: 


Wednesday, 27 september 2017,   15:00

Aula Rita Levi Montalcini- Polo di Cattinara


Results presentation:

"A novel approach based on low field nuclear magnetic resonance for the detection of the pathological components of sputum in cystic fibrosis patients"


By prof. Gabriele Grassi (DSV) and prof. Mario Grassi (DIA).


Last update: 09-15-2017 - 15:18